Amazon Product Sourcing

FBA Optimization

FBA is the essential part of sale strategy at Amazon. We understand the matrix of charges applied by Amazon for FBA and provide you a strategy to keep FBA cost low so your product price not impact directly.

Methodology : At SupplySpy, we made it our personal mission to create a tool that not only simplified Amazon research but also provided important data that would help reduce the risk of our product purchasing decisions. It took more than a year of intense research and perfection but our team successfully created the most powerful Amazon wholesaler tool on the Amazon software market.

System : Inspect current FBA item structure. Utilizing knowledge, expel conceivable outcomes for Amazon satisfaction botches that may cause poor audits or a high ODR. Right any issues, review stock if conceivable.

Strategy : Inspect deals speed, foreseen deals speed. Run estimation on current cubic foot stockpiling charges which change consistently. Run count on long haul stockpiling expenses. Figure legitimate and most productive design of stock dependent on returned information.

Analyse : Analyse purchaser experience by reviewing bundling plan and introduction. Guarantee item introduction surpasses desires set by the posting and substance.